Do you know that mathematics was not CREATED by man? It was DISCOVERED!
Did you learn this in school? I sure did not.
A very famous quote by Nikola Tesla -
'If you want to understand the secrets of the universe,
think in terms of ENERGY, FREQUENCY, & VIBRATION.'
How is energy, frequency and vibration represented?
Through numbers, BOOM! What's more, not everything has a constant frequency, it fluctuates depending on a whole host of variables.
How do we work with energy, frequency and vibration? With NUMBERS.
We represent the strength and power of and frequency of energy and vibrations through numerical equivalents.
I've spent years trying to understand what this quote actually means. I think I've figured some things out.
Everything, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that exists has its own energy, frequency it vibrates at and a unique vibrational pattern. EVERYTHING.
That includes numbers. All numbers have their own frequency, vibration & energy pattern.
Literally EVERYTHING has its own frequency, energy and vibration. Everything, including us.
#Tesla was also fascinated especially with the numbers 3-6-9 and said 'If you understand the magnificence of 3-6-9, you will begin to understand the secrets of the universe. That is quite an interesting and provocative notion.
Here is a short video explaining the magic of 3-6-9 with #9 especially. Nine is simply magic!
Here is some more interesting info about single numbers plus double and triple digits that are the same that I've discovered recently thru unusual sources - collective human knowledge throughout history and cultures and also through channeling. If you are skeptical about channeling, that's ok. It proves your do not just swallow whatever your hear. You are a more discerning human being. At some point though, you inevitably come to a conclusion that there is a higher order or hand that is playing a role and channeling is just one way to tap into this type of information.
1 - 1st, New Beginnings, rewrites and reframing
2 - Duality, Free Choice
3 - Catalyst, the spark that starts a change
4 - Gaia, Earth, Grounded, 4 Seasons, 4 Directions of North, South, East & West
5 - Raw and Massive Change
6 - High Spirituality, Harmony, Humans at our highest level
7 - Spirituality
8 - Manifestation & Abundance
9 - Completion, Endings, Graduation
11 - Illumination
22 - Duality, Also think 'As above, so below"
33 - Compassion
44 - Unknown to us at this time
55 - Not understandable to us at this time
66 - '' ''
77 - '' ''
88 - '' ''
99 - '' ''
Think about how many times you have looked at the clock and it read 11:11. Many interpret this number as a reminder that God is reminding us of His benevolent presence and that We are dearly loved.
And finally, I feel it is necessary to include GEMATRIA in this post. Many have never heard of gematria, myself included until a few years ago. In gematria each letter of the alphabet has an equivalent numerical value which starts with A equaling 1, B equals two, etc. to code a message.
So the conversion of each letter into it's numerical equivalent and then added together to arrive at that sum. There are various ways of interpreting the numerical values. One way is to keep the word or phase's whole sum. Additional info can be gained by further reducing that sum by adding the digits together until you have a single number from 1-9. Refer to the list above for a few single digit meanings.
So there seems to be some universal agreement about the meanings of numbers but as I've already mentioned but there is also a personal filter playing a role when anyone uses a Gematria calculator to decode words and phrases. By that I mean what captures your attention when you scroll thru the dozens of pages of meanings for any particular word or phrase. You must trust your intuition and also use discernment.
It is merely a reference. Ciphers have been used almost as long as humanity has been around. We choose to share information with some but perhaps not others and this is one way to safeguard a message or share it openly without having to also share every detail.
Many people are more familiar with using the date of your birthday and reducing that numbers of the date into a single digit to arrive at 'Your' number. A lucky number perhaps because that is the date you began this earth walk?
I am not trying to enlist anyone to believe any single part of this discussion. I am merely sharing what I have discovered about numbers I find fascinating and a way they have been used historically you may not have known about before.
What I do strongly believe is what Nikola Tesla shared about the numbers 3-6-9.
Mathematics was not created.
It was discovered.
My own biggest take away in this expanded understanding of numbers is specifically about the numbers 3 and 5. Both three and five symbolize CHANGE but here's the magic of this new info . . .THREE is like a catalyst, a little SPARK of change that sets something in motion. FIVE, is MASSIVE or RADICAL CHANGE. . . .
Share your thoughts about your own relationship with numbers and if you learned in school that mathematics was not created, it was discovered.