We’re standing with 300+ nonprofits worldwide in demanding an end to mass, suspicionless surveillance.
FACT: The NSA collects on the order of 5 billion phone records each day.
FACT: The NSA monitored phone calls of at least 35 world leaders.
FACT: The NSA is regularly tracking hundreds of millions of devices.
FACT: The GCHQ is developing technology to "exploit any phone, anywhere, any time.”
FACT: The Canadian spy agency CSEC tracks users of public wireless access points.
FACT: The NSA has used its surveillance capabilities to spy on private companies outside the US, like Petrobras in Brazil.
FACT: Privacy is a myth.
If you feel your government is abusing its position of power in the name of SECURITY - let your voice be heard (and not just by NSA) to let the few know that this is unacceptable to the majority.
MORE INFO HERE: http://www.upworthy.com/