Thanks for stopping by. It feels sooooo good to be back! Can you believe it's 2024 already? It feels to me like there is a quickening in the movement of time. It's been a while . . . but I always knew that the special message to the world I was gifted simply must be released. Honestly, the magnitude of it scared the daylights out of me. I tried. I tried for years actually but it wasn't the right time for this message to gain traction in a big way. I've had plenty of success spreading this message with individual students and small groups for more than ten years now but today I begin this relaunch because 2024 is the Year of REVELATIONS! So, prepare yourself to have your hair blown back and your socks down because the flood gates on what has been hidden from the general public worldwide is not longer coming in drips - the flood gates have opened!
I know I am not alone in feeling like we've all been put thru the wringer in the past couple years. Clearly the entire world has been touched in a way humanity rarely has in history. I don't want to dwell on all the dark parts of that hell fire, I am coming in this time ready and actively reinventing my future. I hope you are too.
'We're deeper than the sh*t we're in.' Iggy Pop said that and it has lifted me up and carried me thru countless trials and tribulations in my life. Perhaps it will be Good Medicine for you too . . .
I've got some exciting news about FIVE #NewFeatures I'll be adding not just to my website here but to a wider audience in the form a brand new podcast - - - Keep an eye out for Cultural Compass Radio. I have already recorded several episodes. I've been sitting on them for a time because I've had to reconcile with my own fears of stepping into this role in a new and very public way.
I'm no stranger to radio, I have worked on the radio twice in my life. Each time was a unique experience that I enjoyed immensely- one a news commentary format, one a musical format. I always loved the radio. There is something magical about the signal traveling thru the ether and reaching us the world over.
So yes, the new podcast will continue in the vein of this #GoodNewsRevue blog with examples of was IS working for us and uplifting little nuggets to make you smile. I have always felt there is far more #GoodNews in the world than we have ever been led to believe. Haven't you too wondered while watching the evening news . . . Isn't there any #GoodNews in the world? We certainly haven't had much of that in the main stream media. . . . Friends, we didn't come here to suffer!
#2NEW ITEM - #ChooseHapiness
To that end, I have been creating many episodes on the new #CulturalCompassRadio podcast and this #GoodNewsRevue called #ChooseHappiness . I'm super excited about this #2 part of the new content. I think happiness is our natural state and I hope to convince you this is true too as well as give you over 100+1 ways to get back to your happy place in short order.
#3 NEW ITEM - #AnimalMedicine
There will be a continuing thread about #AnimalMedicine in my blog and thru the new radio podcast. #AnimalMedicine comes from the First Peoples of our world - the Native Tribes. The very word 'Medicine' has a different meaning in Native culture. Medicine, can mean actual medicines as we know it, something that heals the body when it is not well but it also means 'a LESSON' or knowledge for mankind to help us live life in a Good Way. 'AnimalMedicine' is a body of knowledge of the Native Peoples of the world that has at its heart individual lessons straight from #GAIA and the natural world including the animals. They believe that if We, humanity, would learn the ways of the animals, we would learn how to better navigate our own lives. There are Native prophecies that said there will be a time in the future when Natives will need to share their knowledge with the rest of the world . . . that time has come. It actually began in 1988 with the Grandmothers of the Seneca Tribe who tasked one dead dear granddaughter named Jamie Sams to gather this knowledge of the animals and share it with the world in book form. I discovered this book in 1988 and have never felt so blessed to have this powerful body of knowledge in my personal tool box. Let me just say at this point that this body of knowledge does not conflict is anyway with my faith in God. It only enhances it for the Lord created it All.
Interestingly humanity already has many examples of #AnimalMedicine across cultures outside of Indian Country. It just isn't called that or actively using the knowledge of the animals. As one example, just ask yourself what comes to mind when you ask yourself what is a characteristic of Horses? Universally, the answer will be 'strength or power'. We literally measure the strength of motors in 'horse power' don't we? Wouldn't you like to learn more about the ways of the animals and how to apply this Medicine to your own life? These are very special teachings because we are literally meeting these animals in real life on a regular basis. The lessons are interactive. I am a firm believer that this is decidedly not random, but put in our path to help us better navigate our own lives and make us look or ask or even as confirmations and warnings. I feel like these are 'active' lessons because no matter where you live, there will be at least some of the animals, creepy crawlers, winged ones, furry, feathered, 4 or more legged ones like ANTs or HAWKS or CROWS or RAVENS, MICE or SQUIRRELS. So the #AnimalMedicine is another new addition to my content offering I hope you will enjoy too.
This isn't new, it was gifted to me in a channeling in 1997! To my great surprise and chagrin, I only LAST NIGHT!!! realized that I received it in a channeling through automatic writing. Thank you #EdHarris . I never considered that 'channeling' can and indeed does happen in this way, by automatic writing. I knew as I wrote it over a period of a month that this information was not mine because it was literally coming THRU me, not from me. I didn't even know exactly what to do with it for some time. I did know that this could be a framework for a powerful new diversity training program, one that is unique in the market. Mind you, diversity training programs in 1997 were basically all oriented to our DIFFERENCES, not how we are more alike - They included information like when in Japan, do not expect your Japanese counterpart or host to shake your hand upon first meeting you, that is not their custom, they bow. I had high hopes of running with this new diversity training model but it wasn't to be. Already wokeism was taking ahold in our American culture and I saw it first in this realm. It immediately became all about the DIFFERENCES (and so reinforced separation amongst people) not the truth that we are more alike than different which would have brought us closer together not further apart. #CulturalCompass didn't even get its name until 2004! And the story of that naming is none other than DIVINE ORDER! I promise to share that story with you all soon on a #CulturalCompassRadio episode. It was given to me by a mistress of a former US president, one we all know . . . I kid you not. I may even get lucky and be able to have her as a guest on the podcast!
The Good Lord works in mysterious ways you well know . . .
I have been journaling for almost 15 years now and I love what I write. It makes me laugh, lifts me up and I love having a record of good & funny things that have happened in my life. I don't as a habit write about negative experiences. I have only once actually. I simply don't want to relive those dramatic and traumatic experiences. Ever notice how it is the negative memories that most deeply ingrained in our memory banks and not the positive memories? Why is that?
What is new about #CulturalCompass this time around is that I will be speaking and writing about it, not only teaching it. I am going to turn the very notion of #CULTURE on its head. #CULTURE is a verb too you, know. To Culture. as in a laboratory petri dish. But when we think of #Culture as a noun i.e. American Culture or Czech, Russian, Jewish or any other country's #Culture we all seem to think that it is something that simply IS that has evolved over time, not something we can have an active part in creating. I feel the necessity to put this out to the world anew now because the very notion of #CULTURE is under assault and being mortally wounded by a thousand micro-cuts like 'The culture of violence' today or 'Food Culture'.
THIS IS THE REAL MAGIC, I want to talk about - US, ACTIVELY CREATING OUR CULTURES ANEW, ACTUALLY BEING PROACTIVE IN CREATING OUR CULTURE. Are you game? My reason and drive for #CulturalCompass is for us all to actively create a culture we can be proud of and it starts with 360 degrees of cultural examination and understanding. We are going to use our compasses to navigate this adventure - all 360 degrees of it. Yes, we will take a very deep dive into #Culture and I will prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that we, as human beings, no matter where we come from on God's green earth, are more alike than we are different. Period. That fact alone may be a great big huge #REVELATION for you but the real fun starts when we actively use this notion of CREATING our CULTURE.
I have always thought that our system of governance in America needs an additional way for The PEOPLE to communicate our wants and needs with those we have elected to do our bidding. It has to be PUBLIC, where everyone can participate and see it. I even want to include children's voices and have them talk about this in school. I was sick and tired of the empty promises made by them on the campaign trails and then immediately forgot once they were in office. It has reached epidemic proportions at this point. Basically the two-party system isn't working so well at all, we see the same types of users and abusers in government there only serving themselves instead of us! WHO THE HELL DO THEY THINK THEY WORK FOR??? I was possessed with this idea for several years beginning around 2008. You'll remember that year I'm sure. It was the year Bush & Obama crashed the the stock market nearly and housing industry with bad Fanny Mac and Fanny Mae loans clearly. I was living in Florida at the time and my husband and I had a stone masonry business doing the most beautiful natural stone flooring inside and out as well as tilework for kitchens and bathrooms that you've ever seen for $5-10M homes. In 2008 80% of our clients stiffed us. We lost $30,000 in our rent-to-own arrangement to buy the house we were living in in Jacksonville as well as the house. We were financially ruined. I felt so helpless to address any of this and my mind was in overdrive to find a solution to stop this from ever happening again. Hence the #CitizenWishList was born.
One of my personal coping techniques is to turn my personal pain into something useful and beautiful.
THIS was a whole new level in equal measure to the pain because I knew the pain was not only mine. 10's of thousands of people lost homes and businesses because of that swindle!
For two years, I mapped out the topics we need to collectively address as well as a vision for how this national conversation might play out in reality. What I didn't have at that time was a tool to make it happen. In 2010 I moved back to Prague where I had lived before starting in the fall of 1990 just after the Velvet Revolution and the country's first free elections in 40 years. I was about a month into the 3rd or 4th round of my Czech Adventure that a met a Greek man online who gave me the missing link so-to-speak, with an actual tool to make this work.
But I have jumped ahead a bit in this story and I need to share a vital piece of the Citizen Wish List project. For this to be successful, The President of the United States has to buy into this idea and lead it. He's got to speak about it. Of this I was absolutely sure. Leadership, top down must be onboard. The problem was . . .I knew Obama was not the man who would lead this. I knew this in my heart. So I worked on the ground level and talked it up here.
What I never counted on was OTHER COUNTRIES wanting this too and telling me WE NEED THIS every time I spoke about it. I was completely caught off-guard with how many people from around the world were excited about the notion of a #CitizenWishList for THEIR countries! It was snowballing at a rapid pace. I never intended to save the world, I was only trying to help my own country. This is feedback from the PEOPLE not any governmental figures so, we'll see how this all plays out in the future.
Be careful what you ask for . . .
So my #5 NEW ITEM is relaunching the #CitizenWishList and I can feel with every ounce in my body that NOW is the RIGHT TIME. Thousands of new jobs will be created with the Citizen Wish List just to manage the massive amount of information that will be generated in the starter 9 conversation categories. Another benefit of this upcoming national conversation is that we will put the brakes on good programs getting axed with each new administration. I wanted a way to keep doing what IS working and address the broken bits so We'll see how it all plays out . . .If you like what you've read up to this point, leave a comment .